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it can be so hard for me to admit so many things

i can't fathom how wrong i can be 


i find myself wrong a lot

swallowing my pride



you hear me say i'm sorry more than anything

i mess up a lot

i am scared

i am anxious

i can act in ways that are counterproductive to the growth i long for

yes i am wrong

admit it

that's what i come to tell myself a lot

to open up and admit my flaws and perhaps

im not who i thought i was

i am

then there you are

you stand there

through it all and do something that i haven't felt before

you see who i am

who i can be

those eyes that I can't get enough of

tattoo them on me

i did

forever i can look into them

i've never known eyes like yours

i do talk a lot about how i used to think of you

however i was wrong

i was wrong about what you would be like

you look nothing like my dreams

i confess

you are too kind

too sweet

too considerate of me

when i thought i knew love

you taught me more

how could i have ever imagined

what i couldn't even fathom?

you interrupted my life

i am trying to forget everything I knew before you 

how to love

how to live

how to smile

all of it isn't right

i know that because you show me different

i fight it

i admit

it's hard to accept that what I love is what i have been scared of all along


having someone be my everything





i get scared that someone could love me as much as 




that there is an equal out there for me

that i could drown in love

that when i sink

i can look up and see

your eyes

soft, bright and warm

looking at me with your gentle hand extended to pull me out of the depths


that is what has surrounded me 

is it that i have sank so far

i have seen darkness before

as the sand in an hourglass drops

the darkness fades

there you are to teach me and disrupt my life

yet i'm anxious that you are here

my belief is that my fear stems from you

not because of you

from you

9821 days

i waited for you

you're here now and all i know is that it's nothing as i imagined

all of this change

i couldn't concieve this beauty that's before me

you are nothing like my dreams

i'm falling

i fall all the time

it's time for me to accept that you are here

the life i wanted isn't what i thought it would be

it's better

i was wrong

i wasn't creative enough to know what this would 

feel like

be like

i am a man of many words

yet i can't string together the thoughts to let you know how I feel

what you mean to me

i know one thing

it's always been you

im learning others

that this is here

you are here

that your eyes that draw me in closer are what i love because they see me


i made this about me 


what if it's true, Samantha?

the destiny that i fell in love with your eyes because you're the only one whose

seen me

i was wrong to ever doubt you

be a prick

give you less than the stars

look up to the sky tonight


i was wrong again

i can't give you the stars

you're destined for them

you are my star

my nothern star

guiding light

the love of my life

you shine when everything else is dark

the crypts of my mind now have beauty in them because your light

thank you

i can't wait to wake up and look into your eyes every day of my life

you used to tell me my eyes told you everything

do they tell you i want to spend eternity with you

or that all they see is you

i can't keep them off you

i am wrong

i have been wrong

i got it right

when i gave you my heart




Humility: Story

The Road Traveled To Bring U To Me
MI > MO > IA > MO > KS > MO > CO > IL (coming soon)

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